Postal Service EV rollout off to shaky start

Watchdog reveals failure by agency to prevent charging station equipment theft WASHINGTON — Stolen electric vehicle charging station equipment and office thefts at the U.S. Postal Service are troubling signs for agency watchdogs as the Postal Service begins moving toward electrifying its delivery fleet. Concern about the thefts and the ability of the Postal Service… Continue reading Postal Service EV rollout off to shaky start

Self-Driving Vehicles Are Finding a Home in Industrial Operations

Robotic trucks may face an uphill climb on public roads, but automation is claiming a place in freight yards and warehouses Autonomous trucks may be running into trouble on the highway, but the technology behind self-driving vehicles is getting traction deeper inside shipping operations in freight yards, warehouses and seaports. Kimberly-Clark credits hundreds of autonomous… Continue reading Self-Driving Vehicles Are Finding a Home in Industrial Operations